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Tommy Pettersson - Address, Phone Number, Public Records

The number of households is 5,761. ZIP code 77713 has boundaries with the following ZIP codes: 77613, 77657, 77659, 77703, 77705, 77706, 77707, 77708. 77713 Real Estate Overview: The number of active real estate listings in the zip code 77713 is 110. The average price for a home is $372,496. A home in the zip code 77713 has a median square footage of 2,671.

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A location that ranks higher than 75% of its peers would be in the 75th percentile of the peer group. About ZIP code 77713.

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77713 zip code

Explore 77713 zip code map, demographic, social and economic profile. Beaumont, TX 77713 - Peer Comparisons by Rank and Percentile. The table below compares 77713 to the other 1,856 ZIP Codes in Texas by rank and percentile using July 1, 2020 data. The location Ranked # 1 has the highest value.

77713 zip code

The location Ranked # 1 has the highest value. A location that ranks higher than 75% of its peers would be in the 75th percentile of the peer group. 77713 ZIP Code, Beaumont. Based on records from 2014, this ZIP code has a population of 12,788 people. The number of households is 5,761. ZIP code 77713 has boundaries with the following ZIP codes: 77613, 77657, 77659, 77703, 77705, 77706, 77707, 77708 . Government - A specific government entity uses this zip code.
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77713 zip code

ZIP code 77713 has boundaries with the following ZIP codes: 77613, 77657, 77659, 77703, 77705, 77706, 77707, 77708.

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The flat political ZIP code map represents one of several map types available. Look at ZIP code 77713 from different perspectives.

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The latitude of the Zip code 77713 is 30.038031, the longitude is -94.299854, and the elevation is 26. It has land area of 99.657 square miles, and water area of 1.361 square miles. The time zone for ZIP code 77713 is Central (GMT -06:00). Daylight saving time should be observed in the area where the zip code is located. 4,609 Building Sqft. 12,000 Lot Sqft.

Eric Hellberg - Address, Phone Number, Public Records

$10,236 ZIP code 77713 is located in eastern Texas and covers a slightly higher than average land area Zip Code 77713 is located in the state of Texas in the Beaumont - Port Arthur metro area. Zip code 77713 is primarily located in Jefferson County. Portions of 77713 are also located in Hardin County.

Email Agent. Brokered by Bayou State Real Estate, Llc -- 9003431. House for Sale.