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Fingerprint Cards AB Zenostock
2 Mkt Cap indicates the market value of the selected share series admitted to trading on Nasdaq Nordic. Note that the company may have other share series admitted to trading and that it may have unlisted shares. Here, we are going to highlight some insider buying activity at Fingerprint Cards AB (FINGB:SS). Fingerprint Cards develops, produces, and markets biometric systems and technologies. Its biometric systems include sensors, algorithms, software, and packaging technologies. It’s listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm Stock Exchange and currently has a market capitalization of SEK 8.29 billion.
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Fingerprint Cards AB. kr 29.24+1.49%. Gaming Innovation Group Inc. kr 18.18-9.10%. Tele2 AB Class B. kr 106.55-0.094%. Agence de voyage spécialisée en séjours libertins, Bienvenue sur Eros-Travel, le spécialiste des vacances et des séjours libertins pour adultes, à la recherche Mest omsatta. Large Cap Mid Cap Small Cap. Aktie, Omsatt, MSEK Fingerprint cards stock symbol.
P/S-tal, 6,63.
Fingerprint Cards AB FING-B - SprinkleBit
Lundin Energy AB. kr 272.60-0.37%. Arise AB. kr 58.30-2.83%. Swedbank AB. kr 158.70+2.03%.
FING B, Fingerprint Cards B, SE0008374250 - Nasdaq
Fingerprint Cards AB (Fingerprint Cards) is a Sweden-based technology company, which develops, produces and markets biometric technology, which, through analysis and matching of an individual’s unique fingerprint, verifies the person’s identity.
*Kommentarene ovenfor kommer fra shareville.no og er hverken redigert eller gjennomgått av Nordnet. De innebærer ikke at Nordnet kommer med
FPCs B-aktie är noterad på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm sedan 2000. FPC introducerades initialt på Stockholmsbörsens lista ”Nya Marknaden” 1998. B-aktiens ISIN–
09-04, Fingerprint Cards AB (publ) prepares for growth in key areas; establishes regional offices in China and Switzerland, and distribution hub in Singapore. Find out more about Fingerprint Cards AB at SprinkleBit. The first authentically social online investing platform designed specifically for the DIY investor. 2021-03-01 08:00:00 Övrig information som ska lämnas enligt börsens regler, Fingerprint Cards AB (publ) kommunicerar intäktsprognos för det första kvartalet
Fingerprint Cards AB. National Storage Mechanism - FCA NSM Filings.
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Gaming Innovation Group Inc. kr 18.18-9.10%.
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Fingerprints - Aktien - Fingerprint Cards AB
Fingerprint Cards AB - Class B (FGRRF) Stock Quotes - Nasdaq offers stock quotes & market activity data for US and global markets. Company profile page for Fingerprint Cards AB including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board members, and contact information FING.B | Complete Fingerprint Cards AB Series B stock news by MarketWatch.
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Company, Type, Date, Price, Quantity, Value. -75,985, 2,207,601.20. Skanska B, Other, 2021-04-09, -89,985 .00. Kindred Group plc SDR Kortapositioner.se: Fingerprint Cards AB-B 14.50 % #FING http://kortapositioner.se/stock/fingerprint …pic.twitter.com/FPP72k2j1t.
View today's stock price, news and analysis for Fingerprint Cards AB Series B Barron's also provides information on historical stock ratings, target prices, Mar 31, 2021 Detailed price information for Fingerprint Cards Ab [Publ] (FGRRF) from The Globe and Mail including charting and trades. Jan 29, 2021 -1.70M, arrow_downward-129.31%. Diluted EPS, -0.01, arrow_downward- 150.00%. Net profit margin, -0.58%, arrow_downward-135.15%. Technical Analysis Fingerprint Cards B (FINGB).