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Jason Momoa News is a fansite dedicated to covering inspirational actor Jason Momoa. We are not affiliated with Jason or his management. This site is made by a fan for the fans. All content (such as images, video, news, etc.) posted on the site are copyrighted to their respective owners.


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He is the son of Coni (Lemke), a photographer, and Joseph Momoa, a painter.
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2021-01-30 · It was previously reported that Jason Momoa was in talks to star in Netflix's upcoming prequel series, The Witcher: Blood Origin. The actor is currently set to film Slumberland between February and June, while Blood Origin is scheduled to enter production in April, making it highly unlikely for the actor to be involved. 2020-11-16 · Jason Momoa & Lisa Bonet at the 91st Academy Awards at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, California on February 24, 2019. (Photo credit: AP) First came love, then came children. Cursed Momoa. 26. 0 comments.

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