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Camurus announces that Braeburn receives Complete

Princeton, N.J.-based Braeburn now has exclusive rights to CAM2038 in North America and option rights in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China, while Switzerland-based Camurus retains all other global rights. The Tribunal ruled that Braeburn was not in material breach of the license agreement at the time of Camurus notice. Therefore, the parties’ respective rights and obligations under the License Agreement continue be in full force, including Braeburn’s obligation to develop, register and commercialize CAM2038 in North America, as well as related financial terms. Lund, Sverige och Princeton, New Jersey — 12 juli 2017 — Camurus (NASDAQ STO: CAMX) och Braeburn Pharmaceuticals meddelar idag positiva resultat från en farmako Camurus har också framhållit vad bolaget anser vara betydande brister avseende utveckling och registrering av CAM2038 för behandling av kronisk smärta. Braeburn bestrider på alla punkter Camurus hävdande om väsentligt brott mot licensavtalet. Lund, Sweden - 2 December 2020 - Camurus AB (NASDAQ STO: CAMX) today announced that Camurus licensee Braeburn has received a Complete Response Letter (CRL) from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding its new drug application (NDA) for Brixadi™ (buprenorphine) extended-release weekly and monthly injections for the treatment of moderate to severe opioid use disorder.

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Camurus meddelar utfall i skiljedomsförfarande med Braeburn (Cision) 2020-12-10 17:45 Enligt skiljenämndens beslut anses Braeburn inte ha begått väsentligt avtalsbrott mot licensavtalet vid tiden för Camurus underrättelse om detta den 16 april 2020. Lund — 15 juni 2020 — Camurus AB (NASDAQ STO: CAMX) meddelar idag att bolagets amerikanska partner Braeburn Inc. initierat ett skiljedomsförfarande i England efter att Camurus underrättat Braeburn att bolaget anser att Braeburn begått väsentligt avtalsbrott mot parternas licensavtal. Skiljedomsförfarandet mellan forskningsbolaget Camurus och dess amerikanska partner Braeburn som initierades i april är avgjort. Domstolen finner att Braeburn inte har begått väsentliga avtalsbrott mot licensavtalet. Braeburn and Camurus Announce Submission of NDA for Long-Acting Buprenorphine (CAM2038) for Opioid Use Disorder.

Braeburn bestrider på alla punkter Camurus hävdande om väsentligt brott mot licensavtalet.

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For more information Fredrik Tiberg, President & CEO Tel. +46 (0)46 286 46 92 Fredrik Joabsson, Chief Business Development Officer Tel. +46 (0)70 776 17 37 Camurus and Braeburn Pharmaceuticals announced that they have entered into an exclusive license agreement for the long-Camurus buprenorfinprodukt, CAM2038, for the treatment of opiate dependence and pain.

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Camurus braeburn

"Det är svårt att spå i dagsläget. Nu är det covid-19-pandemi och annat"", säger Camurus vd Fredrik Tiberg. Camurus AB (STO:CAMX) and Braeburn Pharmaceuticals said today that the companies submitted a new drug application to the FDA for its weekly and monthly buprenorphine depots to treat opioid use disorder. Braeburn also reported that it applied for priority review of its application, which could potentially shorten the company’s path to the market. The NDA submission was supported […] While our focus is opioid addiction, we are also exploring other therapeutic areas where our expertise and technology can benefit patients. View our pipeline.

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Our innovative product candidates are designed to address important unmet medical needs, with the potential to make a significant difference in the daily life of patients by improving treatment outcomes, quality of life, and long-term recovery.
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Camurus braeburn

Camurus has served Braeburn a material breach notice under the license agreement between the parties questioning Braeburn's performance in respect of its efforts, including to prepare for regulatory approval and commercialization of Brixadi™ for the treatment of opioid dependence in Canada and as a weekly extended release product in the US, and to develop and prepare for the commercialization of CAM2038 for the treatment of chronic pain in the US. Lund, Sweden — 2 December 2020 — Camurus AB (NASDAQ STO: CAMX) today announced that Camurus licensee Braeburn has received a Complete Response Letter (CRL) from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding its new drug application (NDA) for Brixadi™ (buprenorphine) extended-release weekly and monthly injections for the treatment of moderate to severe opioid use disorder. On 9 April 2019, Camurus' partner Braeburn filed an action with the federal district court for the District of Columbia, seeking to overturn the three-year exclusivity period that blocked Brixadi™ Camurus has served Braeburn a material breach notice under the license agreement between the parties questioning Braeburn’s performance in respect of its efforts, including to prepare for regulatory approval and commercialization of Brixadi™ for the treatment of opioid dependence in Canada and as a weekly extended release product in the US, and to develop and prepare for the commercialization of CAM2038 for the treatment of chronic pain in the US. Braeburn Pharmaceuticals has licensed exclusive rights to Camurus’ weekly and monthly subcutaneous buprenorphine injection products (CAM2038) to treat opioid addiction and pain in North America, as Camurus and Braeburn Pharmaceuticals announced that they have entered into an exclusive license agreement for the long-Camurus buprenorfinprodukt, CAM2038, for the treatment of opiate dependence and pain.

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Nytt från koncernen: Camurus meddelar att Braeburn erhåller

Fas 3 programmen för CAM2029 i akromegali  att Braeburn erhåller Complete Response Letter för Brixadi i USA; 2020-11-30 Förändring av antalet aktier och röster i Camurus; 2020-11-05 Camurus  som Camurus licenspartner Braeburn använder för Brixadi i USA. Att döma av bankens beräkningar verkar dagens kurstapp i Camurus aktie  PRNewswire/ -- Camurus och Braeburn Pharmaceuticals meddelar idag att de ingått ett exklusivt licensavtal för Camurus långtidsverkande  Camurus AB: Camurus announces that Braeburn receives Complete Response Letter for Brixadi for opioid use disorder in the US. According to  Om Camurus hade någon info hade de delgivit den. Braeburn behöver inte delen någon information eftersom de inte är börsnoterade. Lundabaserade läkemedelsbolaget Camurus är en av Carnegies favoriter i I juni kommunicerades dock att Camurus och Braeburn har ett tvistemål kring  News feed of Camurus.

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Camurus AB Diskussion og forum Shareville

• Received medication for studies from Reckitt/Indivior, Alkermes.

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Camurus AB: Camurus announces that Braeburn receives Complete Response Letter for Brixadi for opioid use disorder in the US. Publicerad: 2020-12-02 (Cision) Camurus AB: Camurus meddelar att Braeburn erhåller Complete Response Letter för Brixadi i USA. Publicerad: 2020-12-02 (Cision) Braeburn Pharmaceuticals has licensed exclusive rights to Camurus’ weekly and monthly subcutaneous buprenorphine injection products (CAM2038) to treat opioid addiction and pain in North America 2020-12-10 Camurus announces outcome of the arbitration process with Braeburn; 2020-12-02 Camurus announces that Braeburn receives Complete Response Letter for Brixadi for opioid use disorder in the US; 2020-11-30 Change in number of shares and votes in Camurus; 2020-11-05 Camurus’ Interim Report Third Quarter 2020 Camurus AB (NASDAQ STO: CAMX) meddelade idag att den amerikanska läkemedelsmyndigheten (FDA) utfärdat en begäran till Camurus licenspartner Braeburn om ytterligare information, i form av ett Complete Response Letter (CRL), avseende registreringsansökan för Brixadi™ vecko- och månadsdepåer av buprenorfin för behandling av opioidberoende i USA. Camurus AB: Camurus meddelar utfall i skiljedomsförfarande med Braeburn 2020-12-10 17:45:00 Lund - 10 december 2020 - Camurus AB (NASDAQ STO: CAMX) meddelar idag att ICC International Court of Arbitration har utfärdat deldom i skiljeförfarandet mellan Camurus och Braeburn avseende partnernas licensavtal kring utveckling och kommersialisering av CAM2038 i Nordamerika. Camurus has served Braeburn a material breach notice under the license agreement between the parties questioning Braeburn’s performance in respect of its efforts, including to prepare for regulatory approval and commercialization of Brixadi™ for the treatment of opioid dependence in Canada and as a weekly extended release product in the US, and to develop and prepare for the Braeburn strives to foster high performing teams that are passionate about being on the front lines of addressing the opioid crisis. We work smarter by leveraging technology and fostering a collaborative environment that encourages individuals to share their talents and voices to bring ideas to life.

Bolaget har tidigare fått beviljat ett regulatoriskt snabbspår, s.k. fast track status  STOCKHOLM (Fonder Direkt) Läkemedelsutvecklaren Camurus aktie Samtidigt konstaterar Carnegie att Braeburn/Camurus sagt att det finns  Camurus är ytterligare ett intressant bolag i vår Private Equity portfölj. fram något i avvaktan på att Camurus amerikanska partner, Braeburn,  Inget slutligt godkännande för Camurus – FDA vill ha mer information. Den amerikanska läkemedelsmyndigheten FDA har nyligen utfört en  CAMURUS DELÅRSRAPPORT TREDJE KVARTALET 2019. BOKSLUTSKOMMUNIKÉ 2019 I USA, erhöll Camurus amerikanska partner Braeburn ett tentativt  Pressmeddelande Camurus och Braeburn Pharmaceuticals inleder fas 3-studie av långtidsverkande behandling för opiatberoende Lund, Sverige  I december 2018 erhöll Camurus amerikanska partner Braeburn ett tentativt godkännande från FDA för Brixadi (CAM2038) för behandling av  2020-12-02 01:40:00 Camurus Camurus AB: Camurus announces that Braeburn receives Complete Response Letter for Brixadi for opioid use  Court of Arbitration har utfärdat deldom i skiljeförfarandet mellan Camurus och Braeburn Camurus, Audiocast with teleconference, Q1, 2020. Camurus utvecklar innovativa och långtidsverkande läkemedel för PRNewswire/ - Camurus och Braeburn Pharmaceuticals meddelar idag  Avseende det försenade godkännandet för Brixadi i USA säger Tiberg att ”baserat på den information vi fått från Braeburn och FDA, är våra  Är det inte dags för Camurus att tala direkt med riskkapitalbolagen som finansierar Braeburn ? Misstänker att dessa också känner sig lurade av ett inkompetent  Lördag, 3 April, 17:00.