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Besucht das traditionelle Baseballstadion der New York Yankees. New York news, weather, traffic and sports from FOX 5 NY serving New York City, Long Island, New York, New Jersey and Westchester County. Watch breaking news live and Good Day New York. The New York Explorer Pass also grants free entry to other popular New York attractions.
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Splash some more cash at Macy's, 5th Avenue, and Tiffany & Co.. The official website of the City of New York. Find information about important alerts, 311 services, news, programs, events, government employment, the office of the Mayor and elected officials. New York City is located in the Northeastern United States, in southeastern New York State, approximately halfway between Washington, D.C. and Boston.
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The New York City Marathon, officially known as the TCS New York City Marathon, is always held on the first Sunday of November.
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EarthCam presents an extensive collection of live webcams, featuring the most exciting views of New York City's famous Times Square. For the past century, Times Square has been a mecca for music and the arts and has truly become a must-see for millions of tourists every year. New York news, weather, traffic and sports from FOX 5 NY serving New York City, Long Island, New York, New Jersey and Westchester County. Watch breaking news live and Good Day New York.
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