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De största förlorarna i KNC Miner-konkursen - Affärer i Norr
Over 100 customers have apparently complained that they had experienced significant problems with mining hardware that they had ordered from KnCMiner last year. Founded in 2013, KnCMiner has become a global technology leader in the Bitcoin space. We have an exceptional track record of delivering next generation ASIC chips to the market. Based in Stockholm, Sweden, we develop state-of-the-art chip design, software and services for blockchain-based applications and transaction processing. KnCMiner customers: pay attention! The company today released a statement on the progress of their highly-anticipated Neptune miners (just to make that point, the company sold $8 million worth of the miner — in one day).. The first point in KnC’s update relates to the 20nm chips: Antminer is an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) mining hardware series launched in 2013, perfect for mining cryptocurrencies.
"The team support you guys provide is just one of the many reasons we love to work with Nercon." -Andy Brabant, Mechanical Designer, Zepnick Solutions, Inc German company founded in Bulgaria, specialising in production of stainless steel machinery for the food, automotive, and noon food industries. 3 Feb 2015 Business. KnC Miner has announced that they have received an additional $15M in funding and have a new chip coming out in collaboration miners alive! KnCMiner focuses on producing miners for cryptocurrencies. We are a Swedish company with long expertise within the ASIC and FPGA field. In a press release issued late Friday evening Swedish time, the Swedish bitcoin company KNC Miner informs that it has officially filed for PRNewswire/ -- KnCMiner, en aktör inom området för Bitcoin mining hårdvara, är glad att presentera sitt sortiment av toppmodeller inom Bitcoin STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN--(Marketwired - Oct 4, 2014) - KnCMiner (, global ledare inom högpresterande in the delivery of corporate press releases, financial disclosures and multimedia content to Det bolag som investerat mest i KNC Miner är det Londonbaserade Luleå Investerare har satsat totalt minst 214 miljoner kronor i KNC Miner de senaste två Lulea Business Region Liggande Svart; Fo ̈retagarna Logo; Sparabanken -nord Boden Bitcoinföretaget KNC Miner som har fyra datahallar i Boden går i Den konkursanmälan som lämnats in gäller hela KNC Group, där KNC Miner ingår.
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och vd för bitcoinbrytarföretaget KnCminer, inklusive dotterbolag som blockkedjestudier vid Saïd Business School och Oxfords universitet. Foto. KNC Miner stäms av sina kunder på miljonbelopp Foto. Gå till.
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The Company has recently announced its latest advance - or a 16 nm chip that promises to reduce the power consumption by over 90% and dramatically increase hashing power. No mining equipment or cloud mining contracts. KnCMiner, who recently won a lawsuit against complainants who had sued over late or failed delivery of one of the company’s previous iterations of bitcoin mining hardware (the Titan) , has filed bankruptcy ahead of July’s mining reward halving. Swedish technology company, KNC Miner, is to open a new data centre in Boden, Sweden. The expansion is expected to create around 100 new jobs over the course of two years. KNC Miner was previously specialised in manufacturing technology for the production of the online currency Bitcoin, but is now pivoting its activities toward providing server Bitcoin Company KnCMiner Facing Three Class-Action Lawsuits P. H. Madore in Headlines April 17, 2015, 1:37 PM A group of two dozen people (and growing) represented by Advokatfirman Rise & Co AB (Stockholm) is bringing a class action lawsuit against Swedish Bitcoin firm KnCMiner, the one-time premier manufacturer of Bitcoin mining hardware.
KnCMiner Bitcoin Miner. Stockholm, Sweden. Repositories. Packages. People. Projects.
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Based in Stockholm, Sweden, KnCMiner develops state-of-the-art chip design and cloud services for blockchain-based applications and cryptocurrency mining. We bring new Bitcoin miners alive!\\KnCMiner focuses on producing miners for cryptocurrencies. We are a Swedish company with long expertise within the ASIC and FPGA field.\\Have a look at our website for more information of our company and products. Bitcoin Company KnCMiner Facing Three Class-Action Lawsuits P. H. Madore in Headlines April 17, 2015, 1:37 PM A group of two dozen people (and growing) represented by Advokatfirman Rise & Co AB (Stockholm) is bringing a class action lawsuit against Swedish Bitcoin firm KnCMiner, the one-time premier manufacturer of Bitcoin mining hardware.
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Svenska bitcoin-jätten KNC Miner i konkurs – konkurrensen
KnCMiner ‘Plan B’ for Bitcoin Miners. The folks over at KnCMiner have shared some great images of their hashing data center — a facility that allows customers to mine before they’ve even received their hardware. Dubbed “Plan B”, the company announced the hashed hosting for customers waiting for their orders to come in. KnCMiner Class Action Lawsuit Together with law offices of Charlotte C Lin (attorney Charlotte C Lin), Empire Legal Group (attorney Leo Iruke) and Rice & Co (attorney Magnus Daar), I’m currently preparing a new world wide class action lawsuit against KnCMiner and company affiliates.
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AETOS is committed brobyggarna (klusterorganisationer, inkubatorer, acceleratorer, co-working spaces KnC Miner är ett bolag som väl illustrerar hur Stockholms ekosystem.
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