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1Department of Anatomy, IMS & SUM Hospital, SOA University, Sep 20, 2018 Whipple with reconstruction of SMA using saphenous vein jump graft, reconstruction of SMV, and reconstruction of splenic vein using left renal the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) takeoff. Move down the aorta a centimeter or two to obtain an image like the one shown below. Save a still image without Sep 1, 2003 In recent years it has become clear that the anatomical organization of the medial wall of the hemisphere is more complicated than previously The superior mesenteric artery arises from the abdominal aorta just below the celiac artery. Its branches supply the small intestine and part of the large intestine . I Ilangarathne, CS Dissanayake, P Rodrigo, CL De Silva, Sri Lanka Anatomy Journal 3 (2), 2019. 2019. Learning style preferences among second year medical Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, University of The superior mesenteric artery (SMA) supplies the midgut (Moore & Persaud, 2004; 2019년 3월 5일 superior mesenteric artery
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(A) Gray-scale transverse image shows the SMA to be situated posterior to the splenic vein ( SV ) and anterior to the aorta ( AO ).
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Fig. 3.2. Relationship of the ileocolic pedicle to the duodenum and right colon. Imaging Anatomy SMS. 35,288 likes · 54 talking about this.
Abdomen: Columbia University Clinical Gross Anatomy
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After leaving its origin, the IPD forms two pancreaticoduodenal arcades which run anteriorly and posteriorly, between the head of the pancreas and the duodenum. Surgical Anatomy. Fig. 3.1. Demonstrates relationship of ileocolic pedicle, right colon, and transverse colon.
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Fig. 3.1. Demonstrates relationship of ileocolic pedicle, right colon, and transverse colon. Oftentimes, the duodenum can be seen in a relatively avascular plane toward the base of the mesentery and takeoff of the ileocolic pedicle. Fig. 3.2.