English United States Translation - Monnos Translation Center


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checkout translate: kasa, kasa tezgâhı, internette sitesinde sipariş verilebilen ve ödeme yapılabilen yer. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Turkish Dictionary. to check out verb (checks out, checked out, checking out) to check out ( trace ; check ; affirm ; investigate ; go through again ) überprüfen ; verifizieren ; nachgehen ; nachprüfen ; erkunden ; nachforschen ; prüfen ; untersuchen ; nachspüren ; feststellen ; erforschen ; forschen checkout translate: كاشير (مَكان الدَّفْع في المَحَلات التِّجاريّة), مَكان الدفع (في الإنترنت). Learn more in the Cambridge English-Arabic Dictionary.

Meaning of checkout in English: checkout. Translate checkout into Spanish. noun.

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Thank you very much for visiting our online English to Bengali Dictionary. Word Origin & History of -  Mar 15, 2021 Learn to set up your Language Settings to automatically translate the Checkout settings refer to any text in a Checkout Page that is directly  Nov 2, 2020 Want to translate your online store into other languages? audiences in several countries and regions where English is not the native language.

Checkout translate english

English United States Translation - Monnos Translation Center

Checkout translate english

snälla, or om du är snäll), there is no direct translation for the word “please”. When it's time to pay, you go to the cashier – kassan – to check out. Translate to English {`{`}/* If you update this, update translation-mirror.svg too */{`}`}. familjeboende i två plan.

Checkout translate english

Checkout: 1:00 pm. 󱤄. English translation of lyrics for El Perdon (Mix) by Nicky Jam. ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site, Usage Frequency: 7,  The Checkout area is a part of Customer Domain within Business Tech. Set ambitious and clear product mission and OKRs and translate these into a prioritized roadmap and team backlog that Fluent in English both written and verbal  Translation for 'to donate' in the free English-Swedish dictionary and many other Swedish kan du helt enkelt logga in på ditt Google Checkout-konto. Introducing yourself in Swedish is very similar to an English introduction.
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Checkout translate english

We started with an english version, but now we would like to add one more (and maybe  6 days ago In any circumstances, your checkout will be automatically translated in the related destination languages thanks to a mechanism we manage. Checkout translation. Checkout is the final and very important part of a purchase.

Look through examples of Google Checkout translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn  Need to translate "check out" to Swedish? Here are 4 ways to say it.
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With LangShop you can make it understandable for your customers. Just  Checkout meaning in Hindi (हिन्दी मे मीनिंग ) is भुगतान स्थल.English definition of Checkout : the act of inspecting or verifying; they  Stripe Checkout is localized for the following languages: Bulgarian (bg). Czech ( cs). Danish (da).

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| Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples checkout translate: quầy thu ngân.

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Ecwid storefront is professionally translated into 53 languages: Russian, English, German, German (Switzerland), French, Spanish, Spanish (Latin America),  I did a grep for the class that the text is in .items-in-cart and found the template that is being used  We'll update soon this checkout's Example in our database. Thank you very much for visiting our online English to Bengali Dictionary. Word Origin & History of -  Mar 15, 2021 Learn to set up your Language Settings to automatically translate the Checkout settings refer to any text in a Checkout Page that is directly  Nov 2, 2020 Want to translate your online store into other languages? audiences in several countries and regions where English is not the native language. For more help using TranslatePress, check out our article on translatin No local translation.

to check out verb (checks out, checked out, checking out) to check out ( trace ; check ; affirm ; investigate ; go through again ) überprüfen ; verifizieren ; nachgehen ; nachprüfen ; erkunden ; nachforschen ; prüfen ; untersuchen ; nachspüren ; feststellen ; erforschen ; forschen checkout translate: كاشير (مَكان الدَّفْع في المَحَلات التِّجاريّة), مَكان الدفع (في الإنترنت). Learn more in the Cambridge English-Arabic Dictionary. checkout translate: die Kasse.