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Hydracon is an engineering and manufacturing organization with

In Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca Channels 5A and 14 are reserved for vessel traffic use. Puget Sound 6 Seattle Traffic 003669957 156.700 MHz (Ch. 14) The waters of Puget Sound, Hood Canal and adjacent waters south of a line connecting Marrowstone Point and Lagoon Point in Admiralty Inlet and south of a line drawn due east from the southernmost tip of Possession Point on Whidbey Island to the shoreline. The following is a regulated navigation area - All of the following northwestern Washington waters under the jurisdiction of the Captain of the Port, Puget Sound: Puget Sound, Hood Canal, Possession Sound, Elliott Bay, Commencement Bay, the San Juan Archipelago, Rosario Strait, Guemes Channel, Bellingham Bay, U.S. waters of the Strait of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Haro Strait, Boundary Pass Vessel Traffic Service Updates, Including Establishment of Vessel Traffic Service Requirements for Port Arthur, TX and Expansion of VTS Special Operating Area in Puget Sound, 55439-55448 [2012-22164] VTS Puget Sound may be reached on VHF channel 14. (e) Compliance. Upon notice of enforcement by the Captain of the Port Puget Sound, the Coast Guard will enforce these security zones in accordance with rules set out in this section. Federal Register, September 10, 2012.

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The VTSPS (Vessel Traffic Service Puget Sound) also known as “Seattle Traffic” covers two major areas: A service area that includes the Strait of Juan de Fuca east of 124 degrees, 40 min West, all of the waters around the San Juan Islands and over to Bellingham and down to Possession Point. This service operates on Channel 5A In Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca Channels 5A and 14 are reserved for vessel traffic use. A VHF Ship Station license and a Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit are required if your VHF radio is used in foreign waters (including Canada and Mexico), for vessels over 20 meters in length. ( The CVTS Area of Operation is defined as 124°40W south along the Washington coast to 48°00N then west to 125°15W and north to 48°35’45”N. Inbound vessels are to check in with Prince Rupert Traffic on VHF Channel 74 (156.725 MHz) at either 48°00N or 125°15W prior to entering the traffic separation scheme. NAVRULS, and any directions which may be provided by VTS. Passive listening to the appropriate VTS frequency is highly encouraged (Channels 14 and 05A within the Puget Sound area, channel 11 for Victoria Traffic).

9(fn6), 68, 69, 71, 72, 78, 79(fn4), 80(fn4), 67(fn7). COMMERCIAL - Working channels for working ships only.

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The N boundary of the sound is formed, at its main entrance, by a line between Point Wilson on the Quimper Peninsula and Point Partridge on Whidbey Island; at a 2018-11-29 AMA Puget Sound, Seattle, Washington. 1.8K likes · 2 talking about this. Our mission: to advance the careers of Puget Sound marketing professionals through education, networking and professional Bottom Fishing in Puget Sound Washington, Flounder Subscribe my channel: contact me: Lion's 2 days ago The Vessel Traffic Center is located at Pier 36 in Seattle and monitors the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Rosario Strait, Admiralty Inlet, and Puget Sound south as far as Olympia. Since 1979, the U.S. Coast Guard has worked cooperatively with the Canadian Coast Guard in managing vessel traffic in adjacent waters.

Puget sound vts channels

Hydracon is an engineering and manufacturing organization with

Puget sound vts channels

The office monitors VHF-FM channels 20 for Grays Harbor traffic, 9 for Strait of Juan de Fuca traffic to Protection Island, and 20 for Puget Sound traffic from Protection Island, 24 hours a day. The Marine Exchange may also The Puget Sound Harbor Safety Committee is committed to maintaining and updating this plan as new information and changing technologies warrant.

Puget sound vts channels

6 Feb 2017 Eric Scigliano and Tim Thompson, Puget Sound: Sea Between the Under international law, a VTS may only be made mandatory in sea areas that notification is normally made by diplomatic channels and noting that lack&nbs 15 Jan 2006 Puget Sound User's Manual, US Coast Guard Vessel Traffic Service, 2007. Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) to prevent an increase in collision frequency rate. Rosario Strait is the easternmost channel leading from th 12 Feb 2016 Sailing in Puget Sound or other areas with much ship traffic, a primary ongoing navigation concern is where we are relative to the VTS shipping  8 Feb 2008 To assist pilots, the busiest U.S. ports have established VTS stations to 1970s, VTSs were established in San Francisco, Puget Sound, New  Channel Number, Ship Transmit MHz, Ship Receive MHz, Simplex, Duplex VTS in selected areas. Broadcasts announced on channel 16.
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Puget sound vts channels

International Chart Series, North Atlantic Ocean, English Channel to the 1412 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - West Coast - Washington - Puget Sound - Point Defiance West-northwestwards 11 Norway — NOR VTS 14/10. 17 ft 2013 B & B Yacht Designs Core Sound 17. 4 460 US$ *.

(VOS, and CHBCenter, 2014) In B.C. Channel 66A is used to call all marinas. The FCC requests that all U.S, marinas use Channel 66A. Also in Canada, Channels 11, 12, 13, 71 & 74 are reserved for vessel traffic management.
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Vhf-radiotillstånd Marine Radio Operator Licensing rability

. However vessels must establish contact What is the appropriate VTS frequency, channel 5A, or 14?

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Messages must be about business or the needs of the ship. Use channels 8, 67, 72 and 88 only for ship-to-ship messages. 1(fn5), 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 63(fn5), 67, 72(fn7), Participation in the SOUNDREP Ship Reporting System is mandatory for all vessels above 300 GT transiting through the SOUNDREP operational area or proceeding to or from ports and anchorages in The Sound. Vessels can fulfil most of the reporting procedures by using non-verbal means such as an e-mail report or the online reporting form prior to entering. Commercial ship traffic normally monitors Channel 13 VHF. They also monitor Channel 14 and 5A to contact the Coast Guard’s Vessel Traffic Service. If your boat has an AIS screen, you will be able to see the big ships and identify them on your system. Vessel Traffic Service Puget Sound Puget Sound VTS User US Regs 33 CFR 161.55 Vessel Traffic Service San Francisco San Francisco VTS User US Regs 33 CFR 161.50 Vessel Traffic Service Los Angeles-Long Beach Los Angeles-Long Beach VTS User US, Calif.

Hydracon is an engineering and manufacturing organization with

1(fn5), 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 63(fn5), 67, 72(fn7), 79, 80, 88(fn1) Puget Sound (CVTS). Two Canadian Vessel Traffic Centers work hand in hand with Puget Sound Vessel Traffic Service. The area west of the Strait of Juan De Fuca is managed by Tofino Vessel Traffic (VHF-FM CH 74). North of the Strait of Juan De Fuca, through Haro Strait, to Vancouver Harbour, BC is managed by Victoria Vessel Traffic Service (VHF-FM Puget Sound (/ ˈ p juː dʒ ɪ t /) is a sound of the Pacific Northwest, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean, and part of the Salish Sea.It is located along the northwestern coast of the U.S. state of Washington.It is a complex estuarine system of interconnected marine waterways and basins, with one major and two minor connections to the open Pacific Ocean via the Strait of Juan de Fuca—Admiralty (Vessels subject to Bridge to Bridge and VTS are not required to maintain a watch on Channel 16.) Channel 20 – Marine Exchange channel. Use for communications with Marine Exchange, West Seattle Buoys and Washington State Maritime Cooperative. VTS Channels 5A, 11, 14 and 74 (See Puget Sound-VTS Users Manual for designated 2013-08-21 vessel traffic service puget sound--operating manual This manual is intended to provide the user with information necessary for participation in the Puget Sound Vessel Traffic Service.

This chart is referred to WGS84 Datum. (A modified. reproduction of INT1236 published by Sweden). 3506 Norway – South East Coast, Arendal Havn  4103.