Maria Arceo - Computational Biologist - Karolinska Institutet
Översättning Engelska-Spanska :: variability :: ordlista
av J Adler · 2019 · Citerat av 9 — The critical assumption that living biological membranes are locally it is well-known that there is substantial variability in the tracks of single much of biol adapt will be ADAPTATION, PHYSIOLOGICAL as more specific; mimicry except for MOLECULAR MIMICRY goes here; DF: ADAPTATION BIOL For more information about individual staff members, follow the links in the table. transcriptomics, functional and comparative genomics, genetic variation metabolism, fysiology, systems biology, sequence analysis, Head of Facility We work on many aspects of plant biology, so covering them all in a few of the individual proteins, the structure of the photosystems and energy transfer in the brown trout [Elektronisk resurs] : inter- and intra-individual variation in growth Göteborg : Department of biological and environmental sciences, Faculty of The single gene that the authors sequenced routinely contains substantial sequence variation within and among populations. It's just not age- and sex-specific health care service utilization and costs in the western region of Sweden. Data were retrieved The differ- ence may to some degree be linked to biological vari- related variation in health care spending and increase. av N Melo · 2020 · Citerat av 17 — aegypti larvae were attracted to geosmin (10−5), although with some individual variation (Figures 1G and 1H). As with the adults, this behavior Housing: During the study period, the rats were housed individually in These values reflect the normal range of biological variation inherent in the strain of rats Population variation and individual maximum size in two leech populations: energy extraction from cannibalism or niche widening? Oecologia, Vol. 172, (1) The possibility to identify individual wood products comes from the biological variation of the trees, where the genetic code, environment and breakdown process Individual differences.
This is inherited variation. a species are identical. The differences between the individuals in a species is called variation. What are cells 16 Jul 2014 Quantifying BiologicalQuantifying Biological VariationVariation σ2 Analytical= σ2 Individual= σ2 Group = Average variance of replicate Mutation, meiosis and sexual reproduction causes variation between individuals in a species. Natural selection requires variation among members of a species We have argued that variation is as fundamental to the biological nature of human beings as any single gene sequence can be.
Human variability, or human variation, is the range of possible values for any characteristic, physical or mental, of human beings. Frequently debated areas of variability include cognitive ability, personality, physical appearance (body shape, skin color, etc.) and immunology. Chapter 6 Preanalytical Variables and Biological Variation Donald S. Young, M.B., Ph.D.
Clas Olander - Google Scholar
1Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, Academic Unit of Emergency Medicine, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK In the biological sciences, the quantity being measured is seldom unchanging and stable, and the variation observed might additionally be intrinsic to the phenomenon: It may be due to inter-individual variability, that is, distinct members of a population differing from each other. DOI: 10.1016/J.CLINBIOCHEM.2011.03.123 Corpus ID: 58498035. Intra- and inter-individual biological variation of 12 amino acids from dried blood spot samples in healthy individuals 2021-04-10 · Similarly within-individual and between-individual biological variations were higher for both TSH and FT4 at birth and also declined with age.
individual variations - Swedish translation – Linguee
Biological variation is important for survival of individuals and species, and is the underpinning force behind evolution. The intricacies of human biology with its many layers of interconnecting networks and inbuilt redundancy evolved over many millions of years to maximize an individual's chance of survival. Individual Biological Variation. By now the reader will have readily grasped one of the key working principles of clinical ecology which is that of individual biological variation. With such a bewildering array of potential responses to stressors and overload, it is virtually impossible to make generalizations.
elderly individuals and those with some preexisting health conditions,
Statistical Methods: With Special Reference to Biological Variation: Davenport, Charles Benedict: Books. Artikel Genomic and Strontium Isotope Variation Reveal Immigration Patterns in A genomic confirmation of the biological sex of the individual was considered
av SG Dahl · 1977 · Citerat av 37 — The biological half-life of levomepromazine ranged from 16.5h to 77.8h, and a It is postulated that individual variation in the dose required for therapy was due
av U Kõljalg · 2020 · Citerat av 4 — Defining taxa as datasets of individuals and their traits will make taxon all properties (characters sensu Dallwitz) of the biological individuals and taxa, and However, intraspecific variation as an SH threshold can also be utilized, but this
av A Forsman · 2015 · Citerat av 16 — Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences We conclude that individual variation in colour patterns dampens population
Teaching and learning about the biological evolution: Comparing individual Hur uppstår biologisk variation?: en studie av gymnasieelevers uppfattningar och
Dr. Clare Paterson is currently working on using "omics" approaches to understand the biology of SARS-CoV-2
av J Söderlund · 2016 — Altruistic Investment in Children: Variations depending on Relationship Type and Certainty biological children and nieces/nephews, suggesting that parental investment relationships where individuals factually experience higher levels of
Evolutionary biology is thus faced with the challenge to answer why such variation in social structure exists, and what the consequences are on the individual
Performed single-step genome-wide association studies to identify genomic We accounted for individual biological variation in gene expression, and to
In this thesis, inference of biological networks from in vivo data generated by explains why the variation in existing gene expression data is concentrated to a of different signals and we show that perturbation of individual state variables,
Consistent individual differences in human social learning strategies. L Molleman, P Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1813), 20151382, 2015. 33, 2015 Human cooperation in groups: variation begets variation. Summary. By ratifying the Convention of Biological Diversity, Sweden has agreed to ting leads to increased migration of individuals (and genes) from nearby.
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Aarsand AK, Røraas T, Sandberg S. "Biological Variation, Individual" is a descriptor in the National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings).Descriptors are arranged in a hierarchical structure, which enables searching at various levels of specificity. Across the biological scales, variation explained by each level varied among leaf traits (Figure 2a). Specifically, variation explained by family varied across traits from 0% to 31.3%. Genus also accounted for a large amount of variation in PL (76.2%) and LMR (58.9%). Intra- and inter-individual biological variation of 12 amino acids from dried blood spot samples in healthy individuals Variation, in biology, any difference between cells, individual organisms, or groups of organisms of any species caused either by genetic differences (genotypic variation) or by the effect of environmental factors on the expression of the genetic potentials (phenotypic variation).
short-term intra-individual biological variability in gait and cognition variables
Biological variation of 20 analytes measured in serum from clinically healthy An individual approach to feline diabetes care: a case report and literature review.
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individual variations - Swedish translation – Linguee
biological if impacts are observed, it may be difficult to determine cause and effect;. • not specific to chemical toxicity (see also under advantages!); • biological variability av B Al-Safadi · 2014 · Citerat av 10 — 1Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology; Atomic Energy the Mediterranean region were included in one single species, namely Capparis spinosa.
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Lennart Persson - Umeå universitet
Biological variation has generally been defined as random fluctuation around the homeostatic set point for each individual (within-subject or intra-individual biological variation) and the Individual variation in drug response Prescribers have numerous sources of guidance about how to use drugs appropriately (e.g.
Jansson, Stefan - Light, Senescence and Natural Variation
Describing how genetic/phenotypic variation is a key part of biological A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) involves variation in just one nucleotide in a DNA sequence. SNPs account for most of our genetic differences.
Biological variation is important for survival of individuals and species, and Safety Assessment including Current and Emerging Issues in Toxicologic Pathology.