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It borders Norway to Amazing facts and information about Sweden in Hindi - स्वीडन देश के बारे में रोचक तथ्य स्वीडन देश के बारे में जानकारी और तथ्य - Sweden facts in Hindi - The Facts File Amazing Facts about Sweden in hindi, Interesting facts about Sweden in hindi, amazing Facts about Sweden, Interesting facts about Sweden,fun facts about Sweden in hindi,fun facts about Sweden,facts for kids in hindi,rochak tathya,rochak tathya in hindi,rochak facts in hindi,rochak facts, Rochak तथ्य,रोचक तथ्य,रोचक फैक्ट्स इन हिंदी,मजेदार तथ्य ,मजेदार फन फैक्ट्स इन हिंदी SWEDEN FACTS IN HINDI || युरोपका बेहतरीन देश || SWEDEN INFORMATION - YouTube. SWEDEN FACTS IN HINDI || युरोपका बेहतरीन देश Embassy Details of Sweden in India: H.E. Mr. Klas Molin Honorable Ambassador Embassy of Sweden in India 4-5, Nyaya Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, Delhi 110021. Email: Phone: 011 4419 7100 Se hela listan på 2021-01-07 · 10 x Quick Sweden Facts. Want to know some more interesting facts about Sweden? Here are 10 x Quick Sweden Facts! Swedes consume 20 million “Semlor” per year; More than 20 000 Sami people live in Sweden; Swedes work an average of 1611 hours per year; 86% of the Swedes live in cities; Swedes have 480 paid parental days; 52% of the energy is renewable 2020-08-15 · of Sweden is forest −16°C cold in the far north in January 56 days of daylight in summer 30 Swedish national parks 54.5% renewable energy in Sweden 10 million people in Sweden 1 in 4 Sweden is a Scandinavian country located in Northern Europe.

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The highest concentration is in the central and southern half of the country. Sweden is part of the geographical area of Fennoscandia. Facts; Style; Sign in. Welcome! Log into your account.

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History of Sweden – 17 Most Important Events. 02/02/2021 02/02/2021 by Matthias Kamann. Swedish History top facts.

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2020-10-28 · An interesting fact about India is that that 'Zero' in the number system was invented by an Indian mathematician. His name was Aryabhatta. The City Montessori School, in Lucknow, is the world’s largest school in terms of students with over 45,000 inductees. Sweden has a total population of 10.4 million; and a low population density of 25 inhabitants per square kilometre (65/sq mi). 87% of Swedes live in urban areas, which cover 1.5% of the entire land area.

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