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Thorens TD 1600 skivspelare Spelaren är baserad på den klassiska TD 160 men är kraftigt vidareutvecklad. Upphängningen bygger på koniska fjädrar som är monterade i själva basen istället för topplattan och med en lösning som gör att tallriken endast rör sig vertikalt och inte i sidled. 2-delad aluminiumtallrik med gummimatta och Thorens referensarm TP92. Thorens TD 1600 How about the Thorens TD-1601? I really like that one, but more on that in a minute. I’ve considered a TD-124 over the last few years, one of those amazing and meticulous restorations with a gorgeous heavy plinth made from exotic wood and a $5000 SME arm stuck on top. Thorens TD 1601 er et velkomment comeback til den anerkendte Thorens-lyd.

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And they've sadly ditched the TD309, TD206/ 209 and the TD203 full manual with Thorens own tonearms. 21. des 2020 Thorens er endelig der de skal være med en av de beste platespillerne vi har testet på lenge. THORENS TD 1601 פטיפון טורנס קלאסיפטיפונים נגניםThe conical springs for sub chassis are not mounted on top board any longer but standing on the bottom.

28/05/2020 • River. 浮盤軟聲、硬盤硬 聲,說來很圖像化、似合乎邏輯,實則相當籠統,豈能只以軟、硬說明,以下這  20 Mar 2020 The relatively new belt-driven TD 1600 (and the identical TD 1601 barring the additional electronic controls), which is due to arrive in Australia  16.

Thorens Premium skivspelare Produktlista [HiFi-Agenten AB]

TD 1601 erweckt Thorens die Legende TD 160 zu neuem Leben: zusammen mit dem TP92 Tonarm bietet er das beste  7. Juni 2019 TD 1601, der Sub-Chassis-Player. Optisch ist die Familienherkunft sofort erkennbar. Und auch die Produktbezeichnung lässt zweifellos sofort  De Thorens TD 1600 en TD 1601 werden tijdens de High End Show in München in 2019 geïntroduceerd door Thorens-frontman Gunter Kürten.

Thorens td 1601

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Thorens td 1601

Upphängningen bygger på koniska fjädrar som är monterade i  Återknyter till Thorens klassiska DNA! EISA Awards till TD 1601 EISA, världens största redaktionella samarbete, har utnämnt Thorens TD 1601 till årets bäst. Manual Turntable with Sub-Chassis The TD 1601 is the consequent further development of the TD 1600 in the direction of enhanced user comfort, Classical  Thorens TD 1601: Skivspelare med hög kvalitet, som efterträdare till TD 160 med XLR-utgång.

Thorens td 1601

thorens td550. The front panel of the TD 550, which also holds the operational buttons, is available either chrome-plated or  THORENS TD 1601. Return of Thorens DNA with additional features. Thorens TD 1601 combines everything TD 1600 brings with some additional features regarding comfort and connection to amplifiers. Classical wooden plinth, two-part platter with inner belt and thick rubber mat, powerful motor control unit, arm board and acrylic dust cover are expanded by balanced outputs and functions for easier handling.
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Thorens td 1601

Jämför pris och spara pengar när du köper Skivspelare: Thorens på nätet. Du kan Thorens TD 1601 walnut. Thorens TP92 9" arm. Elektronisk hastighetskontroll.

Thorens TD 1601 Turntable—It Might As Well Be Sprung Part II The familiar TP92 is a 9 inch arm featuring a “highly precise” internally damped aluminum tube. There’s also an anti-resonance ring precisely placed around the arm’s exterior.
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Thorens TD 1601 Skivspelare – hifi skane

24 Sep 2020 TD 160. The now-discontinued TD 160 is held in high regard as the classic Thorens sub-chassis turntable.

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Prislista Thorens Okt 2020 - HiFi-Agenten

Till kassan Mina Buy THORENS TD 1601 Semi-Automatic Two-Speed Stereo Turntable (High Gloss Black) featuring Plays 33 1/3 and 45 rpm Vinyl Records, TP 92 Straight Tonearm, Stereo XLR & Stereo RCA Out, Electric Lift, No-Contact Auto Shut-Off, Adjustable Belt Tension. Manual Turntable with Sub-Chassis. The TD 1601 is the consequent further development of the TD 1600 in the direction of enhanced user comfort; Classical wooden plinth, two-part platter with inner belt and thick rubber mat, powerful motor control unit, arm board and acrylic dust cover are expanded by balanced outputs and functions for easier handling. Thorens TD 1601 The players come supplied with external power supplying +/- 16V to the turntable chassis mounted printed circuit board.

Bruksanvisning Thorens TD 1601 102 sidor

Breathy and  Thorens TD 1601 Turntable Thorens TD 1601 combines everything TD 1600 brings with some additional features regarding comfort and connection to amplifiers. 24 Sep 2020 TD 160.

Thorens TP92 9" arm. Elektronisk hastighetskontroll. Valnöt 30000:- XLR och RCA ut. TD 1601.