EMA godkänner NINLARO för behandling av multipelt myelom
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Investigators with study ideas can present them at the biannual meetings in the group, where they can get feedback and collaborators from the other countries. The accomplishments of the Nordic Myeloma Study Group (NMSG) during its first 15 yr are briefly surveyed, together with a discussion of principles guiding the group's clinical trials and of problems that need to be addressed in coming years. A secondary aim is to stimulate the building of quality registers on MM patients in the Nordic countries that do not yet have these, and creating a Nordic group with expertise in multiple myeloma and epidemiology studies. The group is open to all myeloma-interested Nordic and Baltic researchers and we are especially aiming to stimulate epidemiological research by young investigators. MM_allo_Nordic_recommendations-2017-3.pdf.
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Nordic Myeloma Study Group (NMSG) was established in 1987 by Nordic haematologists with a special interest in clinical myeloma research. NMSG is an independent Nordic organization of research active MDs and Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic, Finnish, Estonian, Lithuanian, and Danish clinics / hospitals who conduct clinical myeloma research. This website is the old website for the Nordic Myeloma Study Group, this page will no longer be updated, please go to https://www.nordicmyeloma.org/ for the new NMSG - Nordic Myeloma Study Group. NMSG is an independent Nordic organization of research active MDs and Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic, Finnish, Estonian, Lithuanian, and Danish clinics / hospitals who conduct clinical myeloma research. 2017 NMSG Recommendation for allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation of multiple myeloma: MM_allo_Nordic_recommendations-2017-3.pdf The Danish Myeloma Study Group (DMSG) provides up to date evidence based guidelines for both clinical and laboratory haematologists on the diagnosis and treatment of haematological disease.
Melphalan and prednisone plus thalidomide or placebo in elderly patients with multiple myeloma.
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The Nordic Myeloma Study Group. (Nordic Myeloma Study Group (NMSG)) Show others and affiliations. 2012 (English) In: European Journal of Haematology, ISSN 0902-4441, E-ISSN 1600-0609, Vol 2013 (English) In: Blood, ISSN 0006-4971, E-ISSN 1528-0020, Vol. 121, no 23, p. 4647-4654 Article in journal (Refereed) Published Abstract [en] The Nordic Myeloma Study Group conducted an open randomized trial to compare bortezomib as consolidation therapy given after high-dose therapy and autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) with no consolidation in bortezomib-naive patients with newly DMSG’s cooperation with Nordic Myeloma Study Group (NMSG) DMSG has a close working relationship with the Nordic organization, NMSG, which in the past 20 years has executed clinical studies with extensive national participation from departments in Norway, Sweden, Island, and Denmark.
Behandling av myelom när högdoskemoterapi inte är möjlig
Nasdaq's Economic & Statistical Research (ESR) is looking for an Analyst to join the team. The Nordic ESR team provides the Nordic & Baltic region analytical The goal of the Nordic Myeloma Study Group is to run phase II and III trials to promote better treatment of multiple myeloma. Here you can find the study protocols of all ongoing NMSG trials.
Anders Waage, Ingemar Turesson, and Peter Gimsing, for the Nordic Myeloma Study Group. 1. Hematologisk avdelning, Rigshospitalet , Köpenhamn, Danmark. Dr Hareth Nahi är en av Sveriges främsta läkare inom myelom och vice ordförande för Nordic Myeloma Study Group (NMSG). Han arbetar som
av M HJORTH · Citerat av 2 — Nordic Myeloma Study Group. (NMSG) är ett nordiskt forskarnätverk, som bildades 1987.
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Nordic Myeloma Study Group (NMSG) was established in 1987 by Nordic haematologists with a special interest in clinical myeloma research. NMSG is an independent Nordic organization of research active MDs and Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic, Finnish, Estonian, Lithuanian, and Danish clinics / hospitals who conduct clinical myeloma research. This website is the old website for the Nordic Myeloma Study Group, this page will no longer be updated, please go to https://www.nordicmyeloma.org/ for the new NMSG - Nordic Myeloma Study Group. NMSG is an independent Nordic organization of research active MDs and Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic, Finnish, Estonian, Lithuanian, and Danish clinics / hospitals who conduct clinical myeloma research. 2017 NMSG Recommendation for allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation of multiple myeloma: MM_allo_Nordic_recommendations-2017-3.pdf The Danish Myeloma Study Group (DMSG) provides up to date evidence based guidelines for both clinical and laboratory haematologists on the diagnosis and treatment of haematological disease.
Blood. 2010;116(9):1405-12.
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The Nordic Myeloma Study Group. (Nordic Myeloma Study Group (NMSG)) Show others and affiliations. 2012 (English) In: European Journal of Haematology, ISSN 0902-4441, E-ISSN 1600-0609, Vol 2013 (English) In: Blood, ISSN 0006-4971, E-ISSN 1528-0020, Vol. 121, no 23, p.
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Myelom Utredning och behandling
The group has competence and experience in all parts of establishing clinical trials. Investigators with study ideas can present them at the biannual meetings in the group, where they can get feedback and collaborators from the other countries. The accomplishments of the Nordic Myeloma Study Group (NMSG) during its first 15 yr are briefly surveyed, together with a discussion of principles guiding the group's clinical trials and of problems that need to be addressed in coming years. A secondary aim is to stimulate the building of quality registers on MM patients in the Nordic countries that do not yet have these, and creating a Nordic group with expertise in multiple myeloma and epidemiology studies. The group is open to all myeloma-interested Nordic and Baltic researchers and we are especially aiming to stimulate epidemiological research by young investigators. MM_allo_Nordic_recommendations-2017-3.pdf. The Danish Myeloma Study Group(DMSG) provides up to date evidence based guidelines for both clinical and laboratory haematologists on the diagnosis and treatment of haematological disease.
Ulf-Henrik Mellqvist - MD PhD - Sahlgrenska University
chairman. Nordic Myeloma Study Group. 2009 –nu12 år Hareth Nahi, Överläkare, Nordic Myeloma Study Group vittnar om tillfällen då han varit tvungen att skicka patienter till palliativ vård för att han Lars Sandman, Ledamot, NT-rådet; Hareth Nahi, Överläkare, Nordic Myeloma Study Group; Hans Hägglund, Ordförande, Svensk Förening för Hematologi Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology 2021;147(2):619-631 in Salvage ASCT in Multiple Myeloma: A Trial By the Nordic Myeloma Study Group.
NMSG is an independent Nordic organization of research active MDs and Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic, Finnish, Estonian, Lithuanian, and Danish clinics / hospitals who conduct clinical myeloma research. 2017 NMSG Recommendation for allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation of multiple myeloma: MM_allo_Nordic_recommendations-2017-3.pdf The Danish Myeloma Study Group (DMSG) provides up to date evidence based guidelines for both clinical and laboratory haematologists on the diagnosis and treatment of haematological disease. The Nordic MDS Group is a scientific organisation aiming to improve treatment for patients with myelodysplastic syndromes, and to facilitate research about disease biology.