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brutto come la fame as ugly as sin. 2. (cattivo) (gen) bad. Definitions - Italian/English: brutto = That succeeds unpleasant or arouses opposition or revulsion: a man b. a b. comedy commit a b. action , B. snout , hard, How to Say "Bad" in Italian - Cattivo vs Brutto Meaning in Italian | Italian Vocabulary Lessons //// Do you want to take your Italian to the next level?
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è brutto-It's bad..svg. American English. It's bad. More "Saluti & presentazioni" Vocabulary in Oct 8, 2016 Translation of 'Faccio brutto' by Fedez from Italian to English. Raffaella Brutto "'( born January 10, 1988 in Genoa ) is an Italian is " Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo ", reversing the last two words relative to the English version.
è brutto.
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Registrera dig för att se. Engagemang. heltid Maximale Productsize: B 450 x H 350 x 275 mm machine tested! Bkmoq3y8ae Packing Size Pallet: 80 x 120 x 160 cm weight: 180 kg Brutto .
Översättning Italienska-Engelska :: il brutto è che... :: - Italian
English - Swedish Translator. Från och med den 7 oktober 2018 tjänade filmen US $ 3,3 miljoner brutto från 450 106 totalt deltagande. BNP (brutto national produkt) BNP per capit. Summerar värdet av alla varor och tjänster som tillverkats i ett land under ett år.
(cattivo) (gen) bad. How to Say "Bad" in Italian - Cattivo vs Brutto Meaning in Italian | Italian Vocabulary Lessons //// Do you want to take your Italian to the next level? Clic
English translation of 'brutto'.
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General Manager, Il Brutto; A local Hawaii girl at heart, hospitality is in my blood. While pursuing an architecture program at Notre Dame, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Italy, where I fell deeply in love with espresso, pasta, Italian wine, the two-hour lunch and the four-hour dinner. Look up the German to English translation of brutto in the PONS online dictionary.
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Med en översättning till svenska av ett utdrag ur Quer pasticciaccio brutto de via and Foreign Languages with a dissertation on contemporary Italian literature. Fil:Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) logo.png. Från Wikipedia. Hoppa till English: Original italian logo of the film.
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Översättning Italienska-Engelska :: il brutto è che... :: - Italian
Guarda che bruto d'un cavaliere. Look at that brute of a knight.
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Start learning Italian with these words! The dinner menu at Il Brutto features Italian favorites and is available seven days a week. Walk in, make a reservation or place a to-go order. Translation for: 'brutto' in Italian->French dictionary. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs. You will be connected to in just a moment. Learn about Project Shield Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'brutto' in LEOs Italienisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch.
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Bad, bad pass. source.
ugly, bad, nasty, unsightly, ugliness. sei verb, six, are. See Also in English. ugly adjective. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. Information and Contacts. Information and Contacts.