Finwire - Synact Pharma ansöker om patent för AP1189 för


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Advertisement You see copyright dates in every book and on every other published work, and many products carry the patent symbol somewhere on their packagi When it comes to protecting your intellectual property, patents and trademarks are essential. Learn about patents, patent searches, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets in these resources and guides. When it comes to protecting your in Default Description These patent books will help you if you're wondering What is a patent? Got a great idea or invention that's novel and not obvious? Protect it the old-fashioned way with a patent issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Learn the basics on all things patentable including the basics on provisional patent Apr 3, 2018 Methods and devices are provided for targeted non-surgical administration of a drug formulation to the suprachoroidal space (SCS) of the eye  1 apr 2021 Patent godkänns i Europa (patenten i USA godkändes redan 2011 under SynAct meddelar att singeldos-delen i fas I-studien med AP1189  SYNACT PHARMA: EPO AVSER GODKÄNNA PATENT FÖR AP1189 SynAct has initiated dosing in part 2 of the clinical Phase II study with AP1189 in  Jul 12, 2017 A small molecule drug AP1189 was shown to cause ERK1/2 or options, expert testimony, grants or patents received or pending, or royalties.

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Tidigare i veckan kunde SynAct Pharma meddela att bolaget avser positionera sin kliniska antiinflammatoriska läkemedelskandidat AP1189 som tilläggsterapi hos inlagda patienter med COVID-19-infektion, för att SynAct has received information that the company obtained an "Intention to grant" from the EPO regarding their patent application 19734023.5 (EP publication 3743064) which concerns the use of AP1189 in methods of treating kidney disease, specifically primary nephrotic syndrome, including membranous nephropathy as is currently tested in clinical trials. SynAct Pharma Announces Positive Interim Phase 2 Data of AP1189 in Rheumatoid Arthritis USA - English Česko - čeština France - Français News provided by. SynAct Nov 09, 2020, 02:04 ET. IN A NUTSHELL AP1189 – a melanocortin receptor agonist to reduce inflammation and “boost” healing First indication: active inflammatory joint diseases (rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis) Opportunity: additional indications based on Mode of Action (ACTH-like properties) Current market for arthritis indications several Bn $ annually and growing Attractive Business Model sell or out SynAct strengthens IP portfolio - Receives "Intention to Grant" from the European Patent Office for a key patent covering AP1189 English version 13.4.2021 11.57 · Cision SynAct stärker IP-portföljen och får "Intention to Grant" från Europas patentverk för ett centralt patent som täcker AP1189 SynAct Pharma AB (”SynAct Pharma”) meddelar härmed att bolaget, tillsammans med prof Mauro Teixeira, MD, PhD, Universidade Federal de Minas, Belo Horizonte, Brasilien och prof. Mauro Perretti, PhD William Heavy Research Institute, Barts och London School of Medicine, Queen Mary University, London, Storbritannien har etablerat ett vetenskapligt samarbete, RESOVIR (resolution i viral US10022379B2 US15/403,705 US201715403705A US10022379B2 US 10022379 B2 US10022379 B2 US 10022379B2 US 201715403705 A US201715403705 A US 201715403705A US 10022379 B2 US10022379 B2 US 10022379B2 Authority US United States Prior art keywords methyl amino tablet dpp piperidin Prior art date 2008-04-03 Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal … The present application relates to anti-PD-L1 antibodies, nucleic acid encoding the same, therapeutic compositions thereof, and their use enhance T-cell function to upregulate cell-mediated immune responses and for the treatment of T cell dysfunctional disorders, including infection (e.g., acute and chronic) and tumor immunity. SynAct strengthens IP portfolio – Receives “Intention to Grant” from the European Patent Office for a key patent covering AP1189 English version. 13 Apr 2021 - 14:03. SynAct stärker IP-portföljen och får "Intention to Grant" från Europas patentverk för ett centralt patent som täcker AP1189.

SynAct has received information that the company obtained an “Intention to grant” from the EPO regarding their patent application 19734023.5 (EP publication 3743064) which concerns the use of AP1189 in methods of treating kidney disease, specifically primary nephrotic syndrome, including membranous nephropathy as is currently tested in clinical trials. SynAct strengthens IP portfolio - Receives "Intention to Grant" from the European Patent Office for a key patent covering AP1189 English version Stock release 13.04.2021 15:03 SynAct Pharma AB ("SynAct") today announced that the European Patent Office (EPO) issued an "Intention to grant" for SynAct's patent application covering the company's leading drug candidate AP1189 in methods of treating kidney diseases. While AP1189 was found to promote anti-inflammatory responses through MC1R and MC3R, it did not show any skin pigmentation effect.

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SynAct Pharma AB (“SynAct”) today announces that the company has filed an international patent application under the Patent Coordination Treaty (PCT), to cover combination treatment with the company’s lead compound AP1189 and Methotrexate (MTX) for treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and other arthritic diseases. SynAct has received information that the company obtained an “Intention to grant” from the EPO regarding their patent application 19734023.5 (EP publication 3743064) which concerns the use of AP1189 in methods of treating kidney disease, specifically primary nephrotic syndrome, including membranous nephropathy as is currently tested in clinical trials.

Ap1189 patent


Ap1189 patent

SynAct meddelar den 5 maj 2020 en uppdatering av fas II-studie med AP1189 inom Reumatoid Artrit. SynAct Pharma applies for patent for AP1189 within COVID-19 Fri, Apr 03, 2020 10:06 CET. SynAct Pharma AB ("SynAct") hereby announces that the company has filed a patent application to the European Patent Office (EPO) covering the use of AP1189 for the treatment of COVID-19 infection, including Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS).

Ap1189 patent

For details related to the study see SynAct Pharma AB ("SynAct") offentliggör härmed delårsrapport för första kvartalet 2020. Delårsrapporten finns tillgänglig som bifogat dokument samt på bolagets hemsida (www.synactph 2015-11-01 2010-01-07 Publication of US20100004274A1 publication Critical patent/US20100004274A1/en 2012-09-21 Assigned to ACTELION PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. reassignment ACTELION PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST (SEE DOCUMENT FOR DETAILS). Assignors: HOLMAN, LOVELACE, LITHGOW, BRUCE HAMILTON, ADESUYI, CHARLES TOKUNBO, LAMBERT, OLIVIER 2021-04-13 · STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Det europeiska patentverket, European Patent Office (EPO), meddelar sin avsikt att godkänna en patentansökan från Synact Pharma kring läkemedelskandidaten AP1189 vid behandling av njursjukdomar. Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande.
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Ap1189 patent

194:3381-8, 2015), and in the new dataset filed with the patent application the compound, at a sub maximal dose was given in combination with MTX. * synact pharma files patent application for combination of ap1189 and methotrexate for treatment of ra and other arthritic diseases SynAct meddelar den 3 april 2020 att bolaget ansöker om patent för AP1189 inom COVID-19. SynAct publicerar den 7 april 2020 kallelse till årsstämma. SynAct publicerar den 9 april 2020 årsredovisning och koncernredovisning för 2019.

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SynAct Pharma applies for patent for AP1189 within COVID-19 Fri, Apr 03, 2020 10:06 CET SynAct Pharma AB ("SynAct") hereby announces that the company has filed a patent application to the European Patent Office (EPO) covering the use of AP1189 for the treatment of COVID-19 infection, including Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS). SynAct Pharma AB ('SynAct') today announces that the company has filed an international patent application under the Patent Coordination Treaty (PCT), to cover combination treatment with the compan AP1189 –a melanocortin receptor agonist to reduce inflammation and “boost” healing First indication: activeinflammatory joint diseases (rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis) Opportunity: additional indications based on Mode of Action (ACTH-like properties) April 13, 2021 SynAct stärker IP-portföljen och får “Intention to Grant” från Europas patentverk för ett centralt patent som täcker AP1189. March 18, 2021 SynAct has initiated dosing in part 2 of the clinical Phase II study with AP1189 in Covid-19 infected patients UK version. Synact Pharma ansöker om patent för AP1189 för behandling av covid-19 03 april 2020 kl 10:21 Forskningsbolaget Synact Pharma har lämnat in en ansökan till det europeiska patentverket EPO för användningen av bolagets läkemedelskandidat AP1189 för behandling av sjukdomen covid-19, inklusive ards och sirs. SynAct Pharma applies for patent for AP1189 within COVID-19 SynAct Pharma AB ("SynAct") hereby announces that the company has filed a patent application to the European Patent Office (EPO) covering. . SynAct Pharma applies for patent for AP1189 within COVID-19 On March 31, 2020, SynAct announced that the company intends to investigate the possibility of applying AP1189 to clinics through potential funding from government institutions and commercial partners operating in the COVID-19 area.

SynAct Pharma applies for patent for AP1189 within COVID-19

With a patented mining claim, public land becomes private land when the federal government passes its title to the claimant. State Everything you need to know about protecting your invention and whether you need to file a patent. When it comes to inventing, the very first thing you need to do is protect your idea before anyone can steal it, right? Well, if you base you President George Washington signed the first American patent granted to Samuel Hopkins in 1790 for a product used to manufacture fertilizer. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office now recognizes more than six million patents. Michael Blann/Li Patents protect inventions and intellectual property from being copied.

Act, Trade Marks, and Designs Act etc. MANU/AP/1189/2004. Accordingly, the Judiciary in a number of  Dec 10, 2015 In Table 2 we present the result of a patent search on small molecule AP1189 is a small molecule that acts as a biased agonist, because it  13 apr 2021 the European Patent Office for a key patent covering AP1189 English från Europas patentverk för ett centralt patent som täcker AP1189. Apr 03, 2020: SynAct Pharma applies for patent for AP1189 within COVID-19. Mar 31, 2020: SynAct Pharma submits clinical trial application for AP1189 in  Aug 31, 2018 allosteric property was also demonstrated in small molecule AP1189 at Shen , H. C. and Colletti, S. L. (2009) Novel patent publications on  Dec 20, 2013 They were wearing black patent leather shoes with little straps across the top. And they were carrying dolls.