Aktuella valutakurser - Jämför olika valutor FOREX Bank


Corporate foreign exchange rates Handelsbanken

How much Danish Krone (DKK) is 5 Eurozone Euro (EUR)? 0.13 eur: 1.19 dkk = 1 eur : 2 dkk = 0.27 eur: 2.38 dkk = 2 eur : 5 dkk = 0.67 eur: 5.96 dkk = 5 eur : 10 dkk = 1.34 eur: 11.92 dkk = 10 eur : 15 dkk = 2.02 eur: 17.87 dkk = 15 eur : 20 dkk = 2.69 eur: 23.83 dkk = 20 eur : 25 dkk = 3.36 eur: 29.79 dkk = 25 eur : 50 dkk = 6.72 eur: 59.58 dkk = 50 eur : 100 dkk = 13.45 eur: 119.15 dkk = 100 eur : 150 dkk = 20.17 eur: 178.73 dkk = 150 eur : 200 dkk = 26.89 eur 1 DKK = 0.134 EUR: Sunday, 11/04/2021: 1 DKK = 0.134 EUR: Saturday, 10/04/2021: 1 DKK = 0.134 EUR: Friday, 09/04/2021: 1 DKK = 0.134 EUR: Thursday, 08/04/2021: 1 DKK = 0.134 EUR: Wednesday, 07/04/2021: 1 DKK = 0.134 EUR: Tuesday, 06/04/2021: 1 DKK = 0.134 EUR: Monday, 05/04/2021: 1 DKK = 0.134 EUR Use this Danish Krones to Euros converter (k ⇄ €) to get the DKK-EUR exchange rate, right now, in real time. Danish currency to European currency converter. 2021-04-06 · Convert Danish Krones to Euros with a conversion calculator, or Danish Krones to Euros conversion tables.

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100 DKK in EUR = € 13.4350 It is a dynamic currency conversion tool  By using the different exchange rates against the Swedish krona, cross rates can also be calculated for the British pound against the euro, for example. View up-to-the-minute currency rates to convert from Euros (EUR) to Swedish Kronor (SEK). AED, ARS, AUD,BAM, BDT, BGN, BRL, BYR, BZD, CAD, CHF, CLP, CNY, COP, CRC, CZK, DKK, DOP, DZD, EGP, EUR, FJD, GBP, GTQ, HKD, HRK, HUF, IDR,  Go to EUR to DKK Historical Rates and EURDKKGraph. 329 Euro to Dansk Krona Currency Converter.

Omregn EUR til DKK her og se EUR/DKK historik samt dagens valutakurs for Euro til Danske kroner [EUR to DKK].

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2000 Euro to Nigerian Naira, convert 2000 EUR in NGN . Omvandla Valutor som BTC kan köpas för: SEK, EUR, DKK, NOK, GBP, CZK, CHF,  Konvertera 1000 DKK till EUR för att få det verkliga värdet av detta par peso) with the help of online converter 500 kr to usd, 1000 dkk in sek,  AUD/SEK. 6.5392. 0.0199.

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Eur dkk converter

The page also shows the dynamics of the exchange rate for the day, week, 1 EUR to DKK Chart Graph This graph show how much is 1 Euros in Danish Krone - 7.43692 DKK, according to actual pair rate equal 1 EUR = 7.4369 DKK. Yesterday this currency exchange rate was on 0.00191 DKK higher than today. 10 rows 2021-04-09 Download the Xe App. Check live rates, send money securely, set rate alerts, receive notifications and more. A QR code that, when scanned, will take you to the currency app’s download page. Scan me!

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rss. Denna Euro och Svenska kronor omvandlare är uppdaterad med DKK · DMD · DOP · DZD · EFL · EGP · EOS · ERN · ETB · ETC · ETH · EUR  AUD(Australien Dollar) in SEK(Kronor) - Valutaomvandlare Australien Valuta. Convert Danish Kroner to Euros (DKK/EUR). View charts, common conversions,  It is loosely pegged to the Euro at a rate of 1 EUR = DKK but is allowed to is the page of currency pairs, Danish Krone(DKK) convert to Swedish Krona(SEK).
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-0,01 SEK · Amerikanska dollar. USD/SEK.

Kolla in de bästa 1 Euro till Danska Kronor valutakurserna nära mig i  It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. Euro till Danska Kronor Kurs (euro/dkk) 1 EUR till DKK ValutaSEK.com - Valuta i realtid. EUR och  Get the latest market information about the EUR/SEK pair including EUR SEK Live Rate, News, Euro and Swedish Krona Forecast and Analysis.
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Corporate foreign exchange rates Handelsbanken

DKK: Overførselssum: EUR: 0% Interbankrente: 1 DKK: 0.0 DKK: 0.13 EUR: 1%: 1 DKK: 0.010 DKK: 0.13 EUR: 2% Pengeautomat: 1 DKK: 0.020 DKK: 0.13 EUR: 3% Kreditkortsats: 1 DKK: 0.030 DKK: 0.13 EUR: 4%: 1 DKK: 0.040 DKK: 0.13 EUR: 5% Kiosk: 1 DKK: 0.050 DKK: 0.13 EUR On April 12, 2021 the Official EUR to DKK Exchange Rate: Close: 1 EUR = 7.4373 DKK. Best: 1 EUR = 7.4415 DKK. Worst: 1 EUR = 7.4327 DKK. Today's Live Euro to Danish Krone Spot Rate: 1 Euro is equal to 7.434490 Danish Krones. Use this EUR to DKK converter (€ to kr) to get today's exchange rate, in real time from European currency to Danish currency or … 4.00 EUR to DKK converter. Live currency rates for Euro to Danish Krone.

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Valutakonverterare baserad på den dagliga kursen från den

JPY/SEK. 0.0776.

Danish krone Euro converter – Appar på Google Play

Datum, Kurs. Euro. EUR. 0.26%. 1020.39. Prisutveckling.