Masterprogram - Kemiska sektionen



Based on current pandemic situation and responsible authorities’ recommendations, the teaching at the Department of Environmental Science will take place online during the spring semester 2021. The Master's programme in Mathematics is a joint initiative by the departments of mathematics at Stockholm University (SU) and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). It is a two-year (120 ECTS credits) programme at the advanced level and leads to a joint masters degree in mathematics from SU and KTH. It is the first complete master’s programme in this area in Europe and part of the university´s effort to focus on sustainable chemistry. Programme PhD student in emitter materials Ref. No. SU FV-0990-21 You have to apply for SU for your Master's programme from 1 July 2021. Please note, however, that you are only able to apply for SU one month before payment. This means that the earliest you can apply for SU is 1 June when applying for SU from July. The deadline for applying for SU in July is 31 July 2021.

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För Stockholms  Masterprogram i geologiska vetenskaper. Stockholms universitet · Sök kurser och program · Sök kurser och program. 120  Are you curious about what your education can lead to after graduation? Hear from our alumni!

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Om webbplatsen och cookies; Lediga jobb På denna sida ser du scheman utifrån de kurstillfällen du är registrerad på. Kursschema ska finnas tillgängligt senast en månad före kursstart. Vi gratulerar vår kollega Tom Britton, som har blivit utsedd till Årets statistikfrämjare 2020.

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En av forumets talare, Arne Jarrick, professor emeritus i historia vid Centrum för evolutionär kulturforskning, deltar. Kriminologi är det vetenskapliga studiet av brottsligheten. En kriminolog intresserar sig bland annat för frågor om brottslighetens orsaker och struktur samt dess variation över tid och rum, men också för effekter av olika typer av påföljder och åtgärder för att minska brottsligheten och öka tryggheten. Socialantropologiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet, utbildning, forskning.

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Läs mera om vårt 2-åriga Masters-kurs Social-Ecological Resilience for Sustainable  Filosofie masterexamen med huvudområdet mänskliga rättigheter/Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Human Rights). Palaeontology. A 7.5 hp Master's course in palaeontology, in collaboration with the Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University  Yanhui Su, Per Backlund, Henrik Engström. DiGRA '20 – Proceedings of the 2020 DiGRA International Conference: Play Everywhere.

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Master's Programme in Fashion Studies As a fashion student you will gain knowledge about the fashion system from historical and contemporary perspectives; recognise the main factors behind the development of fashion and acquire the necessary tools to analyse and understand the world of fashion. Our master's program in bioinformatics is focused on techniques for understanding biology. Therefore several of the obligatory courses are aimed at understanding the molecular details of life.